Technical Regulations
The cars that are eligible to enter the Historic Formula Ford Championship are subject to strict scrutiny to ensure that they are genuine historic cars (we do not accept replicas or “continuation” cars). This in turn helps to maintain the value of your racing car. In addition, each car must adhere to a strict set of technical regulations. This both ensures that the cars have similar performance and that the success is largely down to driver skill rather than the size of your budget!
The key proposed technical changes for 2017 are to:
1. Re-emphasise the need to maintain original materials, dimensions and construction methods when repairing or replacing chassis.
2. Allow 3 port oil pumps
3. Confirm that only steel front hubs are eligible.
4. Confirm the 1971 Hawke DL9 as an eligible car (not 1972 design)
Data logging. Our regulations prohibit the use of datalogging (other than basic lap timing). Here is a list of devices currently prohibited under our current regulations